Hoy sobre las 12 de la noche en España , se ha recibido un nuevo e-mail de Cynthia Germanotta . Con el titulo de "Happy New Year ( Feliz Año Nuevo )" Aquí os dejamos el correo en español y inglés :
"Feliz Año Nuevo"
Mi más profundo agradecimiento :
Tu has hecho este 2011 inolvidable .Y la gratitud de mi hija y yo por sentir tu apoyo va más alla de cualquier cosa que se pueda capturar en un simple e-mail .
Necesitamos tu ayuda para enviar nuestro mensaje más lejos .Este año la misión de "Born This Way Fundation" llegará a millones de corazones y cabezas , pero para ser verdaderamente impactante lo que necesitamos saber es lo que usted piensa que significa ser "Born This Way" en 2012.
Para comenzar completa esta frase y compartela con tus twitterverse , seguidores y amigos :
I will help @btwfoundation create a #bravenewworldin2012 by YOUR WORDS HERE.
Va a ser un camino largo por recorrer . Cambiar la forma de pensar del mundo no es facil . Sin embargo entan solo unos meses has demostrado que los obstáculos que parecen insuperables , pueden ser superados estando unidos .
Tenemos plena confianza en tí .
Es tu fuerza la que impulsa esta organzación , tu coraje que capacita a otros para hacer del mundo un lugar más tolerante .
A medida que avancemos en el 2012 espero que vengas con mi hija y conmigo , de esta manera -- a una sociedad más valiente, más amable. Envia un mensaje en tus redes sociales para hacer saber al mundo que todos hemos nacido de esta manera.
Te deseo lo mejor en este nuevo año ,
Cynthia Germanotta
Presidenta & Co-Fundadora
Fundación Born This Way
Aquí os dejamos la versión en ingles también :
"Happy New Year"
My deepest thanks,
You have made 2011 truly unforgettable. And the gratitude my daughter and I feel for your support is beyond anything that can be captured in a single email.
We need your help to push our message out further. This year the mission of the Born This Way Foundation will reach the hearts and minds of millions, but to be truly impactful we need to know what you think it means to be Born This Way in 2012.
Start by completing this sentence and sharing it with your twitterverse, your followers, and your friends:
I will help @btwfoundation create a #bravenewworldin2012 by YOUR WORDS HERE.
It's going to be a long road ahead. Changing the way the world thinks isn't easy. But in just a few months you have shown that seemingly insurmountable obstacles can be overcome when we are united.
We have complete faith in you
It's your strength that fuels this organization, your courage that will empower others to make the world a more accepting place.
As we move into 2012 I hope you will come with my daughter and me, this way -- to a braver, kinder society. Send a message out on your social networks to let the world know we were all born this way.
http://bornthiswayfoundation. org/A-Kinder-Society
Wishing you the best this new year,
Cynthia Germanotta
President & Co-Founder
Born This Way Foundation
You have made 2011 truly unforgettable. And the gratitude my daughter and I feel for your support is beyond anything that can be captured in a single email.
We need your help to push our message out further. This year the mission of the Born This Way Foundation will reach the hearts and minds of millions, but to be truly impactful we need to know what you think it means to be Born This Way in 2012.
Start by completing this sentence and sharing it with your twitterverse, your followers, and your friends:
I will help @btwfoundation create a #bravenewworldin2012 by YOUR WORDS HERE.
It's going to be a long road ahead. Changing the way the world thinks isn't easy. But in just a few months you have shown that seemingly insurmountable obstacles can be overcome when we are united.
We have complete faith in you
It's your strength that fuels this organization, your courage that will empower others to make the world a more accepting place.
As we move into 2012 I hope you will come with my daughter and me, this way -- to a braver, kinder society. Send a message out on your social networks to let the world know we were all born this way.
Wishing you the best this new year,
Cynthia Germanotta
President & Co-Founder
Born This Way Foundation
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